Friday, December 30, 2011


I can't remember the last time I felt lonely.  I value what little solitude I'm allowed and seek its increase on an almost constant basis.  It's rare that I ever feel a lack of companionship.  Some of that could be attributed to the fact that I'm married, have a kid and live in the city.  If I had been raised in small town and lived on a farm, would I value society more or is this just who I would have been regardless of circumstance?

This week I encouraged my wife to take advantage of the time off she had from school and travel to see family down south.  She gave in and took the little rugrat as well, so it's just Sadie and me at home for the last three days.  We've become quite good friends this month.

I could have gone out to run around with friends, making up for all the times I 'had to stay home and babysit.'  Instead I opted to stay home and enjoy the solace.  I worked on some bikes, watched some movies... Sadie and I went for some good walks in the dead of night around the neighborhood.  I really like overcast winter evenings.  The light can't be matched at any other time of the year.   I need to get a tripod so I can capture it 'on film'.

My home is an odd place to be alone.  Unlike the wild places I often venture to, its almost always occupied by at least one other person.  It's a little eerie when it's empty.  It was a little hard to fall asleep and the house definitely feels too big for just one person.  But other than that these past three days have been very relaxing.  It's been a nice little respite from the usual routine, but I am excited to see the ones I love again.


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